How do people go on throughout their lives without deity? Without a concept of a higher power?


I have seen so many people with no faith in anything and never ask why they are on this earth or even how they got here. Some even still only believe in themselves. I desire to know what happened in their lives that would cause them to believe thusly.

I have found that most people require proof, some kind of tangible evidence beyond doubt that Divinity or deity exists. They insist that in order to believe in a divine presence, they must see, feel, and hear. What they fail to understand that you can do these things already and to not do so is no proof that a higher power or divine presence does not exist.

The true face of divine regardless of what names we humans in our limited understanding attach to it is unknowable. This is why so many of us strive for it. Because it is unknowable.

I find that most people also look in the wrong places for evidence of divine. They do not realize that deity, or divine, does not live per say in any book of holy writ or building, but rather in our own hearts and souls.

Archeology has proven repeatedly that the ancient people worshiped a divine deity of some kind. How did the ancient Gods and Goddesses of the ancient world come to be if for not the evidence of their existence painted on cavern walls?

Were these just the meanderings of insane men and women?

I do not understand how people do not realize the miraculous power of prayer, that divine is and was before all things. We all manifest divine's presence in different ways.



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