Hello Friends,

I am just another divine creation in the universe bound by time and space struggling to be free of it. A traveler in this journey to self-realisation. Committed to the eternal one I am blessed to have the thoughts of 'freedom' checking my actions and keeping me from straying from this path. I believe myself to be same as the entity what people refer as God, the only difference being though that I am yet to get to my fullness in Thought and Deed.


I further believe in Divine Purpose of every single incident, every single thought that arises in every entity. I like to challenge my thoughts & beliefs intellectually and try to find rational answers to the irrational questions. However at the bottom of my Heart, I always know that God cannot be put to Words, no matter how extensive the vocabulary goes. Same is true for me, as I write this, my thoughts, my visions, my deeds cannot be put to words.

I have my own methodology of getting Free. I am in no hurry but love to follow what  Ramkrishna Parmahansa once said:


" I Must attain perfection in this life,
 Yes, in three days I must find God;
Nay, with a single utterance of His name,
I will draw Him to me "



For those who are interested to now more. Here is an account of how all of this started this time....


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